Von 611 Starkenburg entdeckte Kleinplaneten# Nummer Name Designation HP# Entdeckt Ids ----------------------------------------------------------- 58 2009 HX35 S94J001 19.04.09 57 2009 FO14 S93J003 19.03.09 56 2009 FL14 S93J002 19.03.09 55 2009 FQ3 S93H001 17.03.09 54 2009 DH1 S92H001 17.02.09 53 2009 DG1 S92H002 17.02.09 52 2009 CE40 CHF246 14.02.09 51 2009 CW6 S92E006 14.02.09 50 2009 CV6 S92E004 14.02.09 49 (349826) 2009 CU6 S92E005 14.02.09 48 2009 CS6 S92E001 14.02.09 47 2009 CR6 S92E003 14.02.09 46 (342431) Hilo 2008 UQ90 S8AP001 25.10.08 45 (196640) Mulhacén 2003 SO15 HP0070 17.09.03 44 (209083) Rioja 2003 SN15 HP0073 17.09.03 43 (189202) Calar Alto 2003 SM15 HP0072 17.09.03 42 (216624) Kaufer 2002 XW37 HP0066 09.12.02 41 (68980) 2002 RP181 HP0065 13.09.02 40 (89455) 2001 XJ1 HP0062 08.12.01 39 (219657) 2001 VA2 HP0061 10.11.01 38 (89263) 2001 VZ1 HP0060 10.11.01 37 (72057) 2000 YS9 HP0057 23.12.00 36 (193493) 2000 YZ7 HP0055 21.12.00 35 2000 YY7 HP0056 22.12.00 34 (38681) 2000 QK6 HP0054 24.08.00 33 (105250) 2000 QJ6 HP0053 24.08.00 32 (33863) Elfriederwin 2000 JH7 HP0052 05.05.00 31 (56561) Jaimenomen 2000 JG7 HP0051 05.05.00 30 (31984) Unger 2000 HR23 HP0048 25.04.00 29 (18893) 2000 GH1 HP0046 02.04.00 28 (24168) Hexlein 1999 WH9 HP0045 29.11.99 27 (60175) 1999 VQ1 HP0040 03.11.99 26 (178543) 1999 VP1 HP0039 03.11.99 25 (40995) 1999 UC4 HP0036 27.10.99 1998 HE67 24 (137466) 1999 UB4 HP0034 27.10.99 23 (190415) 1999 UP1 HP0033 17.10.99 22 (157894) 1999 TK16 HP0032 14.10.99 21 (60006) Holgermandel 1999 TB16 HP0031 13.10.99 20 (40764) Gerhardiser 1999 TA16 HP0029 13.10.99 19 (121232) Zerin 1999 RK35 HP0028 11.09.99 18 (38270) Wettzell 1999 RJ35 HP0027 11.09.99 1966 PT 1982 JC5 17 (66480) 1999 RW33 HP0026 10.09.99 1988 CE4 16 (208034) 1999 RT28 HP0024 08.09.99 15 (21663) Banat 1999 RM HP0023 03.09.99 1998 KQ61 14 (47083) 1998 YG22 HP0020 29.12.98 1981 JT6 2000 GK100 13 (16969) Helamuda 1998 UM20 HP0019 29.10.98 1977 DA2 12 (17855) Geffert 1998 KK HP0018 19.05.98 1990 WO15 11 (58896) 1998 JE4 HP0017 15.05.98 10 (18653) Christagünt 1998 FW15 HP0015 28.03.98 09 (12057) Alfredsturm 1998 DK1 HP0014 18.02.98 1993 TV43 08 (18610) Arthurdent 1998 CC2 HP0013 07.02.98 1990 EG3 07 (27984) Herminefranz 1997 VN HP0008 01.11.97 1992 SF5 06 (15397) Ksoari 1997 UK7 HP0007 27.10.97 1999 BS14 05 (16809) Galapagos 1997 US HP0006 21.10.97 2000 GC70 04 (35357) Haraldlesch 1997 SX9 HP0005 28.09.97 1976 JC4 2000 KA4 03 (18567) Segenthau 1997 SS4 HP0004 27.09.97 02 (12053) Turtlestar 1997 PK2 HP0003 09.08.97 1975 NW 01 (14080) Heppenheim 1997 GB HP0002 01.04.97
Und hier noch unser offizieller „Discovery Status“ des MPC: DISCSTATUS V5.2a Report prepared 2014 Aug. 12 Status Report for Starkenburg Sternwarte, Heppenheim Number of designations found = 66 Count Designation Principal Orbit Oppns 1 : 1997 GB HP0002 : (14080) *N: Numbered object 2 : 1997 PK2 HP0003 : (12053) *N: Numbered object 3 : 1997 SS4 HP0004 : (18567) *N: Numbered object 4 : 1997 SX9 HP0005 : (35357) *N: Numbered object 5 : 1997 US HP0006 : (16809) *N: Numbered object 6 : 1997 UK7 HP0007 : (15397) *N: Numbered object 7 : 1997 VN HP0008 : (27984) *N: Numbered object 8 : 1997 VU5 HP0009 : (71770) : Numbered object 9 : 1998 CC2 HP0013 : (18610) *N: Numbered object 10 : 1998 DK1 HP0014 : (12057) *N: Numbered object 11 : 1998 FW15 HP0015 : (18653) *N: Numbered object 12 : 1998 GS9 HP0016 : (16521) : Numbered object 13 : 1998 JE4 HP0017 : (58896) *N: Numbered object 14 : 1998 KK HP0018 : (17855) *N: Numbered object 15 : 1998 UM20 HP0019 : (16969) *N: Numbered object 16 : 1998 YG22 HP0020 : (47083) * : Numbered object 17 : 1999 AS38 HP0021 : (31031) : Numbered object 18 : 1999 RM HP0023 : (21663) *N: Numbered object 19 : 1999 RT28 HP0024 : (208034) * : Numbered object 20 : 1999 RW33 HP0026 : (66480) * : Numbered object 21 : 1999 RJ35 HP0027 : (38270) *N: Numbered object 22 : 1999 RK35 HP0028 : (121232) *N: Numbered object 23 : 1999 RA256 /99P06G: (213513) : Numbered object 24 : 1999 TA16 HP0029 : (40764) *N: Numbered object 25 : 1999 TB16 HP0031 : (60006) *N: Numbered object 26 : 1999 TK16 HP0032 : (157894) * : Numbered object 27 : 1999 UP1 HP0033 : (190415) * : Numbered object 28 : 1999 UB4 HP0034 : (137466) * : Numbered object 29 : 1999 UC4 HP0036 : (40995) * : Numbered object 30 : 1999 VP1 HP0039 : (178543) * : Numbered object 31 : 1999 VQ1 HP0040 : (60175) * : Numbered object 32 : 1999 WH9 HP0045 : (24168) *N: Numbered object 33 : 2000 GH1 HP0046 : (18893) * : Numbered object 34 : 2000 HR23 HP0048 : (31984) *N: Numbered object 35 : 2000 JG7 HP0051 : (56561) *N: Numbered object 36 : 2000 JH7 HP0052 : (33863) *N: Numbered object 37 : 2000 QJ6 HP0053 : (105250) * : Numbered object 38 : 2000 QK6 HP0054 : (38681) * : Numbered object 39 : 2000 YY7 HP0056 : (337298) * : Numbered object 40 : 2000 YZ7 HP0055 : (193493) * : Numbered object 41 : 2000 YS9 HP0057 : (72057) * : Numbered object 42 : 2001 VZ1 HP0060 : (89263) * : Numbered object 43 : 2001 VA2 HP0061 : (219657) * : Numbered object 44 : 2001 XJ1 HP0062 : (89455) * : Numbered object 45 : 2002 RP181 HP0065 : (68980) * : Numbered object 46 : 2002 XW37 HP0066 : (216624) *N: Numbered object 47 : 2003 SM15 HP0072 : (189202) *N: Numbered object 48 : 2003 SN15 HP0073 : (209083) *N: Numbered object 49 : 2003 SO15 HP0070 : (196640) *N: Numbered object 50 : 2003 ST314 /03S04S: 2003 SO16 : 2 opps, 2003-2013 (MPO282605) 20140517 20150702 51 : 2003 SU314 /03S04U: (287743) : Numbered object 52 : 2008 UQ90 S8AP001: (342431) *N: Numbered object 53 : 2008 WM94 S8BR012: (370390) : Numbered object 54 : 2009 CR6 S92E003: (403307) * : Numbered object 55 : 2009 CS6 S92E001: (384210) + : Numbered object 56 : 2009 CU6 S92E005: (349826) * : Numbered object 57 : 2009 CV6 S92E004: : 3-day arc (MPO154252) 58 : 2009 CW6 S92E006: 2013 YT95 : 7 opps, 1993-2014 (MPO288543) 20150419 59 : 2009 CE40 CHF246 : 2009 CE40 : 3 opps, 2009-2014 (MPO288474) 20150512 60 : 2009 DG1 S92H002: (367468) * : Numbered object 61 : 2009 DH1 S92H001: (343080) * : Numbered object 62 : 2009 DW47 S92S001: 2007 RK159 : 3 opps, 2002-2009 (MPO157131) 20141007 63 : 2009 FQ3 S93H001: 2009 FQ3 : 4 opps, 2007-2014 (MPO292145) 20150524 64 : 2009 FL14 S93J002: (321286) * : Numbered object 65 : 2009 FO14 S93J003: 2009 FO14 : 4 opps, 2002-2013 (MPO266916) 20141106 66 : 2009 HX35 S94J001: (321311) + : Numbered object This site has discovered 53 numbered objects 27 of the numbered objects have been named 59 of the discoveries are identified with numbered minor planets 6 of the discoveries are involved in multiple-apparition orbits 3 of the discoveries are principal designations 1 of the one-opposition objects has a < 30-day arc orbit -- End of report NOTES ON INTERPRETING THIS REPORT For each provisionally-designated object that you have discovered(*) the following information is displayed: 1) a monotonically-increasing count that has no significance other than to indicate the order in this list. 2) the provisional designation followed by the observer-assigned temporary designation. Occasionally the temporary designation will begin with '/' (e.g., /95Y03R) indicating that the observations were originally reported as belonging to some known object (in the example, 1995 YR3). 3) the principal designation if the object is involved in a double designation or identification. When the principal designation is a numbered object, the designation is followed by an asterisk if you are credited with the discovery of that numbered object. The asterisk is followed by 'N' if the object has been named. 4) if the numbered designation was assigned on or after 2010 Oct. 19 and the discoverer of the numbered object is not the same as the discoverer of the principal designation, then the asterisk is replaced with '+'. 5) details on the latest orbit available for the object. Most references will be to the MPCs. References that begin with 'E' refer to MPECs. This list is intended to be complete through the latest batch of MPCs, supplemented with any Daily Orbit Update MPECs. (*) For designations assigned on or after 2010 Oct. 19, please see MPEC 2010-U20 for information on how discovery credit will be assigned. --End of notes |
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